
flat slab and flat plate

Slab directly supported on columns( without beams or beams only at the perimeter of the building) are called  Flat slabs or flat plates. What is the Difference between flat slab and flat plate? Flat slab is one with either drop panel or column capital(or both at the same time) that helps reduce shear stress on the column slab junction. On the other hand flat plates are slabs systems with the slab connected to the column directly. Flat slabs can bridge larger spans when compared to flat plates. Due to shear demand and deflection requirement the span flat plates can bridge is very small. According to macgregor and whites book, mechanics and design of reinforced concrete Structures, flat plates are most economical for spans from 15 to 20ft [4.5 to 6 m] and flat slabs are used for spans of 20 to 30 ft[6 to 9 m]. Flat slab or plates can be analyzed using several methods of structural analysis. Some of these methods are: ✅DDM(direct design method), ✅EFM(equivalent frame metho...


HOW TO CHECK QUALITY OF CEMENT AT SITE? Cement is one of the most important materials used in construction. The strength of a structure depends upon several factors, cement quality is one of them. To achieve the desired strength of concrete and to increase the longevity of structure good quality cement should always be used. So it is important to check the quality of cement before using. In our previous article, we have already discussed the different types of cement and their uses in construction. Today we will discuss how to check the quality of cement at site. To check the quality of cement we need to pass some easy tests which are described below. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" To check the quality of cement we need to pass some easy tests which are...

Site engineer

Site engineer For a career as a site engineer, you'll need good communication skills and the ability to think critically in order to problem solve As a site engineer, your input to construction projects will be technical, organisational and supervisory. You'll set out and determine the location for infrastructural installations, both above and below ground, and will apply designs and plans to mark out the site. You'll also share responsibility for site security, health and safety and the organisation and supervision of material and human resources. Projects can range from small scale to multi-million pound ventures and may include civil, road, rail and other infrastructure projects. Working as part of the site management team, you'll work alongside and liaise with: architects construction managers engineers planners subcontractors supervisors surveyors. Responsibilities As a site engineer, you'll need to: act as the main technical adviser on a...

ኮንስትራክሽን ሊያውቃቸው የሚገቡ 10 ወሳኝ ነጥቦች

በኮንስትራክሽን ስራ ውጤታማ ለመሆን የሚያስፈልጉ የሃይድሮሊክስ/ሲቪል ኢንጅንየር ሊያውቃቸው የሚገቡ 10 ወሳኝ ነጥቦች . 1 የግንባታ እቃዎች ፍተሻ( TESTS OF BUILDING MATERIALS) አንድ ጥሩ ኢንጂንየር በሳይት ላይ የሚሰሩ የግንባታ እቃዎችን ለመፈተሽ የሚጠቅሙ የፍተሻ ስራዎችን የግድ ማወቅ ይጠበቅበታል። ከታች የተለያዩ አይነት የፍተሻ ቴክኒኮች ተጠቅሰዋል የኮንክሪት ፍተሻ(Concrete Test): Slump test, compression test(cubic or cylindrical test), split tensile test, soundness etc. የአፈር ፍተሻ (Soil Test): Core cutter test, compaction test,sand replacement test, triaxial test, consolidation test etc. Bitumen Test: Ductility test, softening point test, gravity test, penetration test etc. (በእርግጥ እነዚህን ሁሉ እውቀቶች በየዮንቨርስቲዎች ውስጥ አንማር ይሆናል ነገር ግን ዘመኑ የቴክኖሎጂ ነው ተወዳዳሪ ሆኖ ለመቅረብ የግድ መማር ማወቅ አለብን ዩቲዩብ ( ) ገብተን ብንፈልግ በቪድዮ የተደገፉ ቁም ነገሮችን እናገኛለን ጥቆማዬ ነው ) . 2 የአፈር ጥናት (INVESTIGATION OF SOIL) የተለያዩ አይነት የፍተሻ ቴክኒኮችን ተጠቅመን የአፈሩን የመሸከም አቅም እና ርጉእነት (settlement and stability ) የምንገነባው አካል ከመገንባቱ በፊት ልናውቅ እንችላለን። እንደ ኢንጅነር የአፈር ጥናት ለማድረግ የሚጠቅሙ በሳይት ላይ የሚከወኑ የፍተሻ ቴክኒኮችን ማወቅ ግዴታችን ነው ። አሪፍ ኢንጂንየር ለመባል ...